About Marco
Marco Torriani is an actor best known for his series-recurring role in The Green Veil (The Network) created by Aram Rappaport (Syrup, Latin History For Morons), and starring John Leguizamo, John Ortiz, Hani Furstenberg, & Irene Bedard. He has also appeared in guest & principal roles for acclaimed network shows such as; Law & Order (NBC), Blue Bloods (CBS), TURN (AMC), Jessica Jones (Marvel/Disney), The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel (AmazonPrime), & BULL (CBS) to name a few.
Marco has worked under the tutelage of Fay Simpson (former coach to Lupita N’yongo at the Yale School of Drama), Dared Wright (Killing Them Softly/Blackkklansman), Elena McGhee (Child of God/The Americans), and Zisan Urgulu (resident director of the world renowned La MaMa Theater in New York City). He holds a Bachelors Degree from The New School University in New York City where he received a scholarship to study performance, directing, & writing for both stage and film. He is also a certified Fire Fighter in the state of New Jersey, where he was a year vested volunteer.
Marco is one of those actors that embraces challenge, and through his dedication and devotion to story telling has impacted and entertained audiences nation & world wide. Marco Torriani is an “up and comer” through and through, and will go to great lengths to execute the vision of his collaborators.